This is not a fun read -
The good the bad and my overall “Life Update” for those who have been with me all along:
Someone recently asked me if I was still in business. I almost started crying. Instead, I’ve spent several days reflecting and asking myself if Photography is my true calling. The answer? Absolutely. If you’ve noticed that I no longer have a sign downtown for my studio, I’d like to share something kind of great* with you but first, I would like to share the not so great stuff.
to skip to the great stuff, scroll until you see the next “ * “ …
This feels like the longest year of my life. From outrageous success to devastating tragedy, the Fausel family has been on quite the rollercoaster.
- I lost one of the most influential women in my life, my “mom.” (Grandma Barb Stoner). I feel lost without her here.
- I witnessed the rise and fall of mental health in my wife, myself, and my children throughout this year and last and almost everyone in my family has regular counseling now, which I am honestly so very grateful for.
- We lost our forever home at the cherry farm due to reasons we still do not understand and probably never will.
- My wife’s best friend moved halfway across the country, meaning my daughter’s best friends also moved away…
- My wife’s parents decided to retire far away from here.
- Finley has completely lost her ability to walk and we need to make modifications to our home so we can have her in her wheelchair full-time. We will be starting a go fund me for a wheelchair ramp and better wheelchair for her soon.
- I’ve been clean from SH since 2017 but majorly relapsed this year and have not quite gotten back on track. This is unfortunately, due to a series of circumstances balancing the chaos of my personal and work life balance while simultaneously accidentally forgetting my own self-care. PSA: I’m in counseling and currently on a medication regimen that’s helping along with Art therapy. Last SH relapse was more than 3 weeks ago! So, we are getting there.
-During my deepening depression, Fausel Imagery, Fine Art Newborn Photography with Fausel Imagery were neglected and had catastrophic financial effects for my family. I became recluse, I started to ignore my phone, my voicemail was filled, I had over 100 text messages that were not read on top of more than 33,000 unread emails over five accounts. Plus Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and other inquiries all for my business that I just missed out on completely due to grief, adhd paralysis and feeling so very lost and confused as to how to dig myself out of the hole.
- I found out who my real friends were. And it’s interesting because they are never the people you think it will be when you’re in crisis… but I have become closer and been able to open up more because my biggest supporters are people who have also been dealing with things like grief or entrepreneurship or what have you. A blessing in disguise for sure.
* OK this is super depressing so let’s get to the good stuff!
- In less than four weeks, Fausel Imagery we’ll have an official brick and mortar location. On land and in a building currently under construction that I will actually own!!
- I currently have zero unread text messages, zero Facebook messages, and zero Instagram messages, unanswered. WHICH LEADS ME TO…
- I have hired a personal assistant who is investing in our business and therefore not costing us anything. She’s actually helping to fund the brick and mortar and we are forever grateful for her!! So, a HUGE shout out to one of the best humans I’ve ever met, Barb Gage!!
- Fausel imagery and Fine Art Newborn Photography by Fausel imagery are both alive and well! Photography is my calling and I have always processed the world through my lens and hope to continue to press pause on these fleeting moments in your lives for many years to come.
- We have a meeting with someone to start a retirement plan! This is huge, being an artist, kind of means living paycheck to paycheck, not kind of… Literally sometimes. So this is an opportunity for us to set aside money for later, and I am stoked to know that I will not have to work past the point where I no longer can.
- In my personal life, I’ve gotten back into archery! I shoot on a recurve as I prefer primitive archery. I do not plan to hunt, just improving my accuracy using target practice. And it’s honestly been a great way to redirect my mind when I start to overthink.
- Deavon is working on fun things as well, including motocrossing and Charlie is loving going with her.
- Aiden is doing fantastic at the regional alternative school to TST Boces. He is working in the café and would like to pursue a career in culinary arts.
- Charlie and Finley will have very exciting news shortly when we are ready to share in regard to their academic accomplishments.
- And as for Teagan, she’s probably going to be our future president. The kid is the most levelheaded out of all of us.
So that’s my life rn. I apologize for missed texts - and I’m on my way to being back on track with delivery of photos etc.
I love you all, thank you for loving on my family. #fauselimagery
